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Self Managed Super Funds

SMSFs made easy


For many of our Western Sydney clients, the benefits of a Self Managed Superannuation Fund are certainly worth careful consideration, and the ATP team is well qualified to help you to objectively weigh up the pros and cons of a SMSF for your particular situation.

For many, SMSFs offer real tax advantages, and other benefits, including:

  • The ability to incorporate family members into one super fund

  • Having more control or input into choice of investments (than managed funds)

  • The ability to pay an income stream from your SMSF

Help With You SMSF Trustee’s Obligations

As a Trustee of a Self Managed Super Fund, you face requirements that for many seem very challenging. The requirements though are very important to ensure that your Fund is tax complaint and meets all regulatory rules surrounding SMSFs.

At ATP we provide compliance support to your SMSF Trustees, including the preparation of tax returns, financial statements, and the required audits. As your SMSF advisors, our goal is to help you to structure your Fund’s set up correctly from the outset, and to develop the strategies that will allow your members to see their investments grow, to allow them the best access to their super in retirement, and to benefit from all available ‘transition to retirement’ strategies.

Our input into the financial growth of your SMSF investments will give you peace of mind, knowing you’re protecting your, and your Fund’s members’, retirement lifestyle. Our ATP professionals will:

  • Establish your SMSF

  • Provide superannuation audits

  • Advise on compliance matters

  • Advise on optimising your superannuation potential

  • Help you to manager risk versus return

  • Superannuation investment and taxation structuring

  • Monitoring and advise of legislative changes

  • Advise on the taxation benefits of estate planning, payment of retirement benefits, and death benefits

  • Help you to ensure that your SMSF delivers on your members’ lifestyle objectives

  • Advise on employer obligations

Receiving the right advice on your SMSF from the outset will deliver long term benefits to you and other members of your Fund. Our ATP advisors will offer strategies that have been personalised just for your Fund, and will tailor our services to fit your needs. We are with you for the long term, and will be on hand to advise you at every stop along the way.

For assistance with an existing SMSF, or if you are considering setting one up, we welcome your call on                02 9166 4996 / 0414 254 020 during business hours – or email us any time.

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ATP Tax Accountants

ACN 134732 586

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation   

  • Image by Eyestetix Studio
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