About you: Sole Traders
Grow and Prosper

As a sole trader, you have a unique place in the taxation system, combining rules regarding both small/medium businesses and individuals who are not carrying on a business. Because of this, it is important that your tax, accounting, and bookkeeping is managed by those who can interpret those rules correctly, and with your best interests in mind. If you are in Western Sydney, the team at ATP is your ideal choice.
We draw upon our intimate knowledge of the ever-changing Australian taxation system, to ensure that we minimise your tax obligations and maximise your profits. With a view to future growth, we also offer to help you to implement strategies for your business to grow and prosper.
As your sole trader business income is reported on your personal tax return, there are real administration advantages. This allows us an element flexibility regarding, for instance, assets allocation to either you as an individual or to your business.
For the sole traders of Western Sydney we are at your service for:
We salute your entrepreneurial spirit, and look forward to being your long-term partner as you grow your business and personal wealth.
Serving the people of Western Sydney, we invite you to contact ATP tax accountants during business hours on 02 9166 4996 / 0414 254 020, or anytime by emailing ATP Tax Consultants.